Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to Use What You Have - And Get Rid of It

The child took the candy from the pretty voice and ate it. All of it.
When his mother called her for a good, beautiful supper, she was full. Everything she loved that her mother cooked was before her. There was her favorite bread, sweet ham, beautiful dollops of sweet potatoes and all the things her mother made that she loved. 
But she was already over-full with the cheap candy.
"If I could do it over again, I would not eat the candy and wait!" Thought the girl. The candy felt revolting in her stomach now, and the foods she knew she loved before her made her feel worse.
Her mother hid the sadness that came with knowing that her child had chosen a false meal instead of her wholesome one.
   At a youth group today our teacher was talking on something like this. It hit me because it is something I've been thinking on quite some time.

Would this be us?
On the day when we are welcomed home - will I be filled with all these substitutes and unable to stay at the table - will all my life be consumed by the pretty on the outside and not the good on the inside? Can we reverse the instinct to keep on with "life" and not give our time back?
First, don't get lost. Giving our time back isn't something I say. It's when I choose to read, to pray, to ask and share with God. To persevere when it is dry, because I know that the joy and the peace and the good plans God has for me will keep me full.
    It comes down to realizing I am empty and to constantly be assessing myself and putting into action what my Father gives me. Like a ballerina, who is always checking if her stomach is in, her head high, her core engaged, an inch taller, a little stronger, the knees wider, the shoulders back more, the point, harder harder - until it hurts! All this the good teacher reminds the ballerina and the pupil takes it and uses it to become better. 
   I like that. God is not silent. He will help. He will always be there when I start over. Again and again.

    And here is how to use what you have. Well, in order to not get calls asking "Where's my water buffalo?" I'll clarify by what I mean when I say "what you have" into something more like - what you should have. There. 
You should have trees nearby.
You should have a hot glue gun. 
You should also have a bit of yarn for knitting. When you get all these things and throw them on your floor, you should look at this picture, and start your own idea. This craft idea came from something I saw in Anthropologie. The picture is mine. This is a craft I began with my mom. That's so nice to think of. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy today!

 Happy Tuesday!

  Here's something my Dad says to me; "Be happy in your work today." It's really convicting to me! Joy never relies on circumstances, as so many people have said. I can ask God for it every day!
  One thing that brings me joy is craft and cooking projects! Even though I'm not the best person to finish a project, I love love love doing them. 
  Since all my family is in Honduras, I'm so thankful for the Devereauxs who are taking me in, so to speak, and including me in their own family life. Yay!

Eating some yummy food with the Devereauxs

  Mrs Devereaux constructed a lovely decoration out of a branch, put it in a pot, and hot-glued candy corn onto it! Then she let me do the same. So much fun. I love doing projects, and of course I got so many ideas floating in my head right now. I think I must pick one of them and indulge my crafty hands this week-end after I get my homework done. It just brings joy to look at something new you have made.
So without further ado, I bid you be happy in your work and play today!
 I need to write it on my hand, I think! (haha)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


 I love Sundays.
I really love fall, too - so today was like a score everywhere.            
  Cold weather is so fun! Even on Sundays, though, there are things that can tell me lies and destroy my joy. Like the fact that I have a super scary test tomorrow. Then, of course, I could turn off my alarm, not run, and sleep in. I could choose to not engage in Church and get nothing done. "I" could do these things! Don't I get it? All these non-life giving things can be done by me alone, and not on God at all! 
   So if I really want to live out what I sing or think every week (I rely on you alone God, I want to live what you have for me, get rid of all my sin-filled ways), then I would choose to do the things I actually needed God's help with, right? Oh dear, I think I need to just dwell on that a little more. Thanks, God. 
    Well, with that said, I'd like to introduce myself, or rather, this blog. I want to try and share, but learn to be humble, and I want to write - I just process that way. This is maybe more of a sharing accountability blog than anything else. I'm a college student, so like everyone else, I don't have time laying around me like leaves lay on the ground in fall.  So why did I call this a "project"? Well, I like projects. I like cooking and baking and making messes.
     In the spirit of messes, I'd like to share one of the best parts of a Sunday! It's the day I get to share some baked goods with some kids at Church. I love doing this. Those kids have no idea how much I get from making them cookies, really!
  Here's the recipe I used today:

 Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (adapted From Paleo Parents)

You will need:
   * 1 soft banana
   * 4 eggs
   * 1 cup of nut butter (I use almond butter)
   * 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
   * 1/4 teaspoon of salt 
   All you do is blend these ingredients together until the banana is no longer in chunks and then bake them at 350 for 10-15 minutes depending on the size. 
    What's so amazing about these besides the fact that 50 odd kids gobbled down at least 100 of these things (mini size)? They don't have flour or sugar and yet they are light, sweet, moist, and do not taste like alternative flour. No fancy ingredients you don't have, because you could even use regular peanut butter for these! Exciting!
I didn't take any pictures, though, so I am going to post a picture from a blog post about these same muffins called The Best Built Life”  This is his picture! I'll remember to take my own for future reference. 
 Well, that is it for today, I've got laundry to do!